If look from the good side we're doing you a favor before you meet our Lucifer side... so you must be happy :). I take responsibility for my actions and never play victim. Had great talents and a true perfectionist. On a happier note, I love my Libra man, Haha, so funny how people are upset and but hurt on the other dark descriptions except on this one. So while avoiding ugliness and confrontations, I work hard to make those things never happen. drew new lines in 1930. Men with a Libra Sun or Moon are masters of “the silent treatment” and passive aggression. But there are two side ⦠They have a bright side as well, and many good traits. This post is full of crap and the writter of it is a prick. Im a gemini. When charged with bad behavior, they will say, “Oh, I’m such a bad person. Just my thoughts on the matter. im a scorp, so when we fall we fall hard. Virgos are not stupid and they know when change is called for, but to them, change means plastic surgery, not psychotherapy. I think alot of people are confused here. i think virgo is the most misunderstood sign, angel or demon. A drag are we? "Whoa is me"..libra. He literally belittles people and makes himself look like a god. I know that sounds brash, and probably just as bad as how Librans have been painted on here, but there is a very specific driving force as to why I acted the way that I did, and it's because of how how she treated my children. I'm the descendant of a Virgo mother and aquarian father, and also a child of Divorce AND abandonment, my mother left when I was 8(as did her mother to her). These libras gossip in such a way that so many don't consider them as gossipers. You will see what I mean. But I am not dark or I try not to be. Like she has some sort of ledger in her head. I dont think I'm fake or that im better than anyone bc the only perfect one is God and ive had a too messed up childhood to think im better than anyone, also being my father recently passed this year Feb 2019. She never forgot to mention how much better she was than my mother and how "Girl your mom didn't teach your dad how to dress, she CANNOT DRESS!! This is for negative Virgos, though, I know. Sagittarius history - the history of Sagittarius and the stories behind it. Yes I do get angry and yes I get angry a lot sometimes. We'd take up for a stranger in a minute if their being treated unfairly no matter color, race, sex, or religion if its unfair it brings the rage out in us. When contronted, she will attacks you, cry, yell about how unfair life is and youre a bad guy for tainting the pristine image that they have. Not be the only reason I’m happy. I have many talents, but completely introverted. People try to tap into that vulnerability and "twist the knife" unless I hide it from them. His dad eventually vanished left me with 5yr old and unborn baby. Why make an indecisive person a leader? We all are like fallen angels compleeeeetely lost in here lol and we really don't know why the f*ck we ended up here. A lot of u on this site say too much. I can truly say I've got a lot to be pissed about. You don't know that and everyone is individual. i hope she can just control herself from now on and never treat my daughter the way she treated us. Searching on the net about paedophiles I found out that most of them were committed by librans. If we are harsh or cold, as someone said, we get used a lot by people and eventually loose trust in them, because we are helpers. So i started pudhing for that until we did but was blamed gor wanting better and getting out of basement we lived in. Im being bullied every day someone give me ideas to bully this guy back. They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves. idk, i dont have to live with him anymore and that makes a world of difference.LOL, thankyou sylvia, ive very much enjoyed reading your material and am glad to have discovered you. She did nothing. Yep I said the same thing like go & sit down somewhere & take a nap. Replytovengefulauthor on January 09, 2017: As someone that has done a lot of astrology reading I can admit I know some of these traits can be very true of a libra. Naw but I'm a Virgo and very proud! I have my absolutely awful moments when I break someone's trust, when I hurt someone's feelings, and try to control everything and act like it's not my fault. Why do you people interact with us? She is a great charmer, but to only win someone over enough to get info from them, info that she can use against others eventually. Things seem to be falling apart around me. I helped his son get a job which he screwed up on me. This describes her to a T. I couldn't wrap my head around it because I'm not like that. i just had to comment on marias virgo commentary. Theres so many sides to a Libra, such exciting creatures. Not a single libra I can truly trust. every sign has a dark side... but a libra??? He played with my feelings lied to me and then told me to go live with my parents for matt leave as he wasnt going yo be around bc he was working. There are many bad parents and abusers, even family murderers with different zodiac signs. We are very independent, which means we won't ask for help even when we know we need it. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. Their lover. Give it all to me the good and the bad. complainers,nit-pickers,always right or victomized by 'negative people'. Its that I still struggle loving myself and getttin my wants and needs. I dont like drama. My wife had even made a threat to her so while all this was happening behind my back, bad blood was gushing between guess who? Let's be honest ladies and gentlemen, you weren't here to read about 1000 reasons why people should love us librans.. you just got a dose of reality, live with it. Negative Virgo superstars can become so self-conscious and self-critical that they will go into hiding, like Michael Jackson (August 29) or Greta Garbo (Sept. 18). when i say spiritual abuse, she was always in to some different religion even witchcraft at one point. While I am now guilty of generalizing also, I have to say that I know that depending on the time one is born under the Libra sign, as well as at which day in October can all play a part in a Libra being the exception to the rule as far as whether they exhibit classic Libra traits. folks are versatile,complicated,intricated;almost impossible to be described even using all tools of astrology. But I've also tried to genuinely fix my mistakes and repair the damage I cause because of my behavior. She recently sent me a negative text about her husband. Careful with Ire, though. If there's karma involved in my destiny I only wished I was child raped by a stranger not by my own brother. Nothing was ever her fault to her...she even spoke about me badly to people on the internet she didn't know, she was a great liar..great at pretending... Great at blaming... She also talked about everyone especially the people who did good and worked as she never really has...smh thank you for this...that Virgo I was with was a narcissist for sure... Oh she was abusive and flirted and I sure she's done things but will take it to her grave before admitting anything... From my own experiences i´d have to say that this article really is spot on. Keep it light and simple. Oops Mr. Libra "forgot" his wallet at his apartment (he insisted I come in so I would have to sit in a hot car) clever way to get a female in a Libra males apartment. in the meantime she was trying to chat him up. See the article "Dating a Virgo: What to Expect. Sylvia Sky, M.A., is an experienced astrologer and author of "Sun Sign Confidential: The Dark Side of all 12 Zodiac Signs". It was pretty pathetic. I'll take it all. Libra simply makes up LIES any tells opposite stories to each person so that those two people who may not even know one another, are upset about (false) claims originally made up by the Libra. Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. He can be rude, but if i stick up for myself he will BLOW UP. He will yell that all he wants is some peace. yes every sign has a dark side. Sat there listening in while this self righteous weirdo was really out of line! She seems to create alot of drama, does not have a good word to say about people, compains. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and this may influence the Goat towards being patrician and authoritarian. Even the most healthiest Libran is prone to snacking on sweets. It was a short time b4 he started drinking alot again and id climb up then hed tale me down. We often come of too dry and soulless, artificial, but for me it just happens because I am so numb from all the emotions and guilt about the most stupid little things.I've spent years trying to figure myself out, because I don't want to be full of shit, I want to be good and sincere and honest. Did i learn a lot! My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. At least when im about to say a lie i have her in my mind to tell me if im going to be fake no one will apreceate my true kind and loving self . My best friend constantly throws shade...constantly. I'm surrounded by Librans in my family, was married to one for 15 years and I have a strong Libran energy with 4 planets in the 7th house (including sun, mercury and venus). Hehe. I think the problem is that you were too selfish and judgemental instead of taking the time and making a genuine effort to get to know and understand a Libra better, you chose to ASSume, criticize, demean, and judge someone you never really got to know. My mom is a libra and she is exactly like that. Because I'm not an attention seeker first and foremost, secondly that's embarrassing so why even mention it? Mother problems? Remember there are THREE sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the TRUTH. They can be, and in my experience, totally self absorbed and vengeful people. I, remember all the bad stuff anyone has ever done to me BUT i have a patience of a God. (1) his sister's name is completely different than mine. I, am lazy, BUT not because I love doing nothing. He's a grown man and he acts just like that it's so sad. We hate stupidity and ignorance....we despise people and things of lower standards and we can not stand people that are rude and careless and not considerate and especially those who lack diplomacy and manners. She was not a perfect person, but she did help many, many people and was instrumental in laying the groundwork to raise consciousness from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. He overreacts to people, flips out and rages and tries to justify it. He has been caught watching under aged porn more than twelve times by the feds and he does is blame it on oher people, he almost got locked up for abusing our neighbors dog when we were kids, but he' not the only Virgo that is ill. Virgos have some sick minds and don't think anything is wrong with them and that everyone else is just lying. I try to always be fair and give everyone a fair chance. My female Virgo cousin is a complete psychopath. Cons: I've got no problem admitting that I'm bossy as fuck, and when things don't go my way all hell breaks loose. Although, even we had our misc communication issues we were always able to work them out. And to think I still stood by her EVEN when I was admitted and discharged till her demented form comes devouring me inside out again!!! She doesn't know what it means to "go with the flow". A lifelong libra friend I'm strongly considering giving up. We need to hear someone saying out loud that the stuff is going to be okay, otherwise if we don't hear it, we don't consider it real. I have to invest more time into my life so I can be happy and feel confident and accomplished being in a relationship should amplify my happiness. We will love to the ends of time and to our very detriment and will give chance after chance after chance to prove your self. I am a virgo woman and I must say I am gonna have to agree with the article. As I was saying she simply started to put or shoot me down every which way she could. We can see all sides to all things....all dimensions....all patterns.....all rhythms....all nuances. After the beginning of the year she started being more flirtatious. Not going to lie, and its not something to be proud of; but everything written in this article is exactly how I am at my worst. I have super healthy self-esteem, so it wasn't something I needed from her. What is up with Virgo getting the most hatred compared to the other signs?? I won't let anyone treat her badly. If i started talking excitedly about what i was learning and even invited her to class, she was cold, uncaring and uninterested (this is the woman who maxes out credit cards at cheap clothing shops.....). Every single thing you confided in the libra will thrown back at you as a weapon to hurt you. They said that the raven people were feared in the tribes because they always new what was going on without hearing a word, they always knew. Most people like to be told a fabricated lie to their face and like to be coaxed....but we Virgos aren't like that. He said she has to always be the center of attention, will continue to create major drama until she gets what she wants. Having two Libra sisters and a Libra friend of five years I have seen this time and time again. I’ve never truly trusted a Virgo. Libra men are so controlling and a manipulative person I’m a Scorpio so that didn’t last long with me. Which may be the Aquarius in me, being able to step away from a situation emotionally and give it some deeper thought. They have a bright side as well, and many good traits. These people would never guess that Professor Libra was NOT at all on their side and was infact VERY jealous of them. Try doing that for a day lol. True no one is perfect, including us Virgos, but let's be real, society sucks. But always react to things I say. I have a hate on her beacause im jealous of her she has a lot of friends she has much better fugure than me but her personality is full of garbage this the truth. A lawyer once made a circle of names with a dot in the center. Godfather to her daughter and son her parents never had. For a woman, the Moon is almost as important as the Sun and the Ascendant. She's a prime example of a Virgo I have to live with, the other Virgos I know seem to be too meticulous at times (not a problem but unless one asks for critique, it's best not to act like some authoritative figure). I have no children and NO MAN. He did a lot of drugs, and cheated on his wife with multiple people, including her own little sister. 10/17 libra seeking balance on September 06, 2016: I am a Libra male and lately I have been feeling disconnected from myself(sign). This has happened to me more than twice in my life at very different times and situations(in a relationship, almost boyfriend, friend, boss) with men and women libras. Toddlers even throw things at people and laugh. Reason why they play games and betray the people closest to them. And for those poor souls who's either or both parents/ brothers or sisters/in laws etc were Librans- Ouch, I truly feel sorry. Tired Aries woman sick of the Libra injustice. And they hate confrontation, bull, they are the cause of it. We are the punching bag because before we SNAP we think about all the possible outcomes like "walking away" or "staying and being prepared to do WHATEVER it takes to fuck you up, as violent as that can be".. i ended up living a lot of my life with my grandmother because my mom would not stop physically abusing me. Thank you. I've been taken advantage a o lot by just caring too much and i get furious i throw all that hate in my family witch they do not deserve it .but at the end family is my home is when i want people to understand me, to listen me when im angry when im sad when i need a advise .we need to take care of ourselves but we do not do it because we put in priority others . So maybe he's still a paedophile and that can't be changed. Ahhh what a pain in the *** he was. We are the balance of all of the signs...the only sign in all the Zodiac that can bridge the void between each sign and become the great arbitrator of the cosmos (Sound grandiose and pompous........welcome to the world of Libra........but.....we all also know it's true ;) ). Nosy and users of others' lives. I have begun meeting new people like this "dont be fooled, I am not what it seems". Almost every list of Virgo traits includes a propensity for addiction (River Phoenix, August 23; Amy Winehouse, Sept. 14; Hank Williams, Sept. 17). They are not compatible with any sign trust me. We are deeply complex creatures and live in multiple worlds simultaneously....so getting a direct answer out of us will be difficult because we live in so many places at once that an "in the box" answer will never be provided to who and why we are. Its pathetic. So OK we are pretty badass people indeed but somebody must be there for those people nobody else want to care about, while the rest of the signs is too busy competing for power and money (again victimization, criticism, morality abuse, open accusation to EVERYBODY and a sense of self-importance in one sole sentence! Like a few here said earlier, there's more to the picture about the signs, you have to look at the sum total of your chart. seems the guys dont stay very long... wonder why ....... Candice NY from NYC on December 02, 2018: Libras are great as long as you keep it superficial. first love a pisces. has no answer. For me i prefer friends who speak brutal true than sweet but fake words. but I have no clue and it's alright, because I chose to be independent and learn to live without having a partner, because I want to have natural goodness in me and not all the fake stuff. He is a monster and i cant believe who i became. For me, it was to my defend my kids and anytime she went past the line of reason in punishing them, I was right there to invoke the one thing Librans are good at, utilizing and that is our rather sharp tongue. Lolz, I think your Sun might be among those Scorpio stars. They want things a certain way and if they don’t get it the way they want , they find some way to retaliate and act as if they never did it. I was cohabitating with one under her suggestion and without a thought (being a male & feeling totally cloud 9 to be asked), I experienced a life changing event. Yeah I do see these traits in myself I just find it happens when I'm being too nice or something and I always seem to attract the wrong people....... Im working on how to tell which person I should be friends with and people just taking advantage of me.... As you know im a libra and have a pretty hard time saying no... so i find people can see that and then after a bit take advantage of that and sometimes just use me and then after a while it all just builds up into sadnesss and anger and its just ahhhh idk how to get rid of it lol oh yeah and i smile and laugh at my own misery alot... idk why but i find it funny. It's an incredibly difficult situation to be in when people don't believe you're telling the truth or being real. I think it's smart to learn astrology to choose the best time to give birth to a child and choose their planetary influences to prevent many obstacles :P. This is true. Sometimes I think they overdo it when a shitstorm is about to occur and they purposely control conversations to avoid ill feeling. I'm a Virgo! Or so I thought. Which is usually just a LIE. He was a complainer as described everyone played a part in what went wrong in his life. BUT that problem is that othervise I won't be able to see him properly, everyday. I immediately had her pegged as a boyfriend snatcher, took charge and used my partner's phone to phone her back (not knowing her star sign). In fact the way one reacts to whatever angers them is much more beyond a zodiac sign. When the fact of the matter is, they no fodder to throw back. but i digress. Anyone I have ever met in my life who is a Virgo are totally crazy! but being in the company of that fallen angel makes one feel pretty special and at times blessed to know such a unique being. Oh! Exalted in saturn... bring a virgo sagittarius or leo even aquarius to venus,I'm ashamed a libra represents venus,it's not love what you bring it's dirt and lies. Mmm... chocolate. I was married to a Leo before with Virgo tendencies and was totally miserable. When they feel guilty or ashamed, they tattle, they throw people under the bus, and they blame others for their faults. Don't ignore a Leo or disrespect us for too long! And wanted an apology. She uses people and shes a know it all. I signed up just to laugh and show face if me laughing. (Something my dad instilled in me.) I can be self critical when it comes to hurting others. my mother on the other hand the more holy of the two, taught me things like manners, respect, humility, and humbleness, she was a Virgo woman with a dark side of course but all signs have a dark side of course. I SWEAR NEVER to go near this monsterous scale bearer again EVER in my living, breathing life. wow, you really hit the nail on the head with this one. Think of Judge Judy (born October 21) and the pain she's seen and absorbed over 25 years as a judge in family court. All the while, she is very bubbly and acts charming to get information about others. Tbh, it seems the average virgo has negative qualities without being full Dark side Virgo. And we LOVE weird stuff, indeed. Then the bag tells me I was telling & she needed to go. If you don’t want to be disappointed keep it flakey & light. I found the article to be amusing, thought-provoking and mostly true of most people, no matter what their sign. The Universal Law Of One.would suggest that these are people are mirroring qualities you possess but do not like about yourself. my mother on the other hand the more holy of the two, taught me things like manners, respect, humility, and humbleness, she was a Virgo woman with a dark side of course but all signs have a dark side of course. Impossible to be around without feeling totally uncomfortable because of their critizing constantly. I finally snapped decided that maybe what we needed was to move out get a bit of a bigger place. What's hard is, is that a lot of this does happen. They see everyone as mindless and feel called to enlighten them. It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). This is spot on. The Moon represents instinctive reaction, unconscious predestination, everyday mood, sensitivity, emotions, the feminine side of the personality, intuition, imagination. I kissed my boyfriend on the cheek once and he thought we were talking about him and whispering shit and being all secretive. I love, appreciate, care and support all those close ones who accept and love me for who I am. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". His son and i started not to get along when i started making rules asking him to finish school and get a job as our place was so small and it was uncomfortable he was always there. Cant and never will admit a fault.. harsh, cold.. and a master at manipulations and guilt trips. This. My mom is one and i was in love with one. It’s bad enough that we dump on ourselves, so we don’t need to hear it from anyone else, because we already know. by the way i've seen same attitude in many capricorns and taurians. If I screw up I own up. He had a thing for young girls, even his daughter felt uncomfortable around him sometimes. I have known other Libra women too. I married a Libra male for 6 years I was lucky to get only 1 year of child support out of him. Something else is going on, the problem is, nobody ever notices with us virgos until they've talked about us so bad and it's already too late. Libra is hopelessly disillusioned with her own actions & behaviour. She wanted me to turn on my friend and hurt her, did didn't fly with me I'm grown and 3yrs older. It will inform you about events which might happen in the future. He hasnt called asked anything. I am not a virgo hater, i am pin pointing the negative experiences i had with them.I for once was a fool now left with a huge mental scar because of a specific Virgo person that entered my life. Not to hold a grudge but to always know what you're capable of! She is the most flaky and fake person i know. Toxic Libra will always make you feel like you were the one in the wrong. King (Sept. 16) or Beyoncé (Sept. 4) can stay popular for years; they are competitive and business-minded. His best friends were always the most quiet guys he could find to hang around with. They will eat you alive. Yes I can be dark by being extremely lazy and indecisive but everyone has got a dark side. But the point is we are shit at emotions, because our minds are a major dumping ground, where is so much stuff that the stuff we say and the stuff we believe often go in different directions. The secret to any Sun in Libra is they hate to be alone. She spends the majority of her time criticizing other people. I'm sure that if I go look for my sign right now, I would no doubt be aware of MY dirty laundry. Although knowing a person's Sun sign is useful because the Sun is the most powerful element in an individual's chart, a person is much more than his or her Sun sign. She called a couple of times the next day trying to manipulate the situation, but when I am done, I am done. They can easily become unreasonable or unusually nice when things like this happen. im a libra 10/6/1992, and I loved this article because it is accurate. Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about. Great lays. being an earth sign they can't see 'beyond' and neither have enough intution to grasp a behavior to its core.they even don't believe in intution. Libra guy 2 met me and my husband "TOGETHER" at a college Christmas party. If they're a brilliant Libran, I will definitely listen. (4) I am skilled at photography. What happens when all the fun and excitement of being in a relationship is over???