Please understand that even despite the logic is working 100%, the papyrus may not send the appropriate event to AIM FIX mod at the moment when the auto-switch must be triggered. Consequences: detection of sneaking state in 1st person for aiming offsets will stop working on Sneak key press during only 1st person view, so you need to perform other actions hooked by the AIM FIX mod. Left handed offsets will also apply during left attack. For example, bandits vanilla accuracy is 84, can you believe it? So nothing compicated, you can change this value any time. Applies globally to Archery and Magic. Color: White; Outlines: Off; Center Dot: Off; Inner Lines: 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 [+] Swap Side Feature: camera is switching between two or three positions: left (initial) < center (optional) > right (opposite). [*] Stealth Meter Below - similar to Exploration (see description above). its own iHUD patch), 5. 19 Jan. skyrim se bow aiming fix. Left handed offsets will instantly apply on eqip only during spell blade mode. [+] Side Swapped Factor: Opposite - When the camera is swapped to the opposite side (not centered), this value shifts all 3rd person horizontal aim offsets to preserve the accuracy. setting this to 200 will move the window 200 pixels right). Click on "Design" Next click on "Edit HTML" Next paste the below code at the bottom of the html box. Left handed spells will apply during dual fire attack as soon as the right attack button is released. [+] MCM: individual camera and crosshair settings now categorized by the Activity profiles (previously known as the camera profiles): Exploration Activity (no weapon/spell drawn), Ranged Activity and Melee Activity. 3. All rights reserved. [*] Improved handling of the crosshair position and visibility: Whole this mechanism has been entirely rewritten and optimized at the code level. Of course the performance will not increase drastically, but it's a more logical way to manage unused features. Tip on finding the apropriate value for the swapped factor when auto-aim assist is enabled: Simply do the same as described above for auro-aim disabled but with one difference - on the opposite side do another shot (using arrow or spell) and watch where it fall at horizontal axis (how far from the crosshair). Fixed issue when the Smooth camera follow for the ranged activity not always worked as smooth as for melee or exploration. "Smooth Camera Follow" options not become grayed out in this case. [-] Removed all dual eqip offsets (it is described above, look under the text "[*] Offsets apply: improved handling of dual equipped magic and attacks"). [+] Swap Side Feature: no need to re-adjust all aiming offsets for an opposite side - there only one global setting called "Swap Side Horizontal Increment" (see the MCM section - Aiming Offsets). Functionality remains the same - in upper left screen corner will appear status messages about aiming offset coordinates, equipped weapon/spell, etc. They contain camera position settings combined with behavior switches depending on player actions, also the crosshair toggles is included. The 'Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)' option will be disabled. [+] New toggle option "Crosshair: Show during Hovering on Objects": works only when the crosshair was initially hidden individually for specific activity. Also AIM FIX mod now has a stealth meter position absorbtion feature which will be used even if you turn off Custom UI lock mode to use AIM FIX additional crosshair features. See description above in "[+] MCM Exploration Activity.." setion. You could try proper aiming which makes your aim always be on the crosshair. [+] New option "Stealth Meter: Force AIM FIX Position" - enable it when you don't like the custom UI's position for stealth meter, so that the AIM FIX will use its own position for lowered stealth meter (centered below). Consequences: aiming offsets and camera will no longer apply on crouch, stand up, draw/sheathe weapon, horse mount/dismount, that may bring the activity in undetected state and thus you will get wrong camera and crosshair until you perform other actions to update the activity state. after equipping in favorites/inventory menus). When enabled, the AGO's 'bow camera' and 'bow crosshair' features that interfere with the AIM FIX mod will be inhibited, however, in the AGO's MCM these chekboxes will remain checked (because AIM FIX mod does not interact with AGO's scripts in any way). It will be added in future versions for Legendary Edition. ... more than one brush of the wheel. Added a new switch "Disable Aiming Offsets Application" in the "Advanced Compatibility" MCM-section. [+] Improved stability on mod initialization (first load): added 4 seconds delay before AIM FIX become fully functional to reduce papyrus runtime stress during loading a clean save with a bunch of mods. Last night, I decided to try some archery with no crosshair for a second time. In Oblivion, for example, when you set the timescale too low, it would prevent a certain quest from advancing. Reverts all changed Skyrim parameters to a vanilla ones, detaches all game's hooked events and hotkeys for current game to be saved, also inhibits all mod functions except one MCM button - "Reset and Restart Mod" (just in case if you change your mind, it's OK all will be fine with your save, you may not worry at all). [+] Added twitching prevention for the opposite side offsets. Dynamically lowered stealth meter will always get absorbed custom UI position, so you don't feel the difference but will have more control over the crosshair. "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" option will become grayed out (inhibited) until you enable the "Process Crosshair Hovering Event" again. [*] Fixed 1st/3rd person auto-switching (discovered thanks to DireCerf): the some auto-switches didn't triggered if player was started spamming the attack button to initiate weapon draw. The main purpose of Lock Wheel Zoom is to provide preservation of the aiming accuracy offsets, which is useful if you like to disable the aim assist. [+] New option "Process 'Sneak' Key - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing the Sneak hotkey (default key are Ctrl) to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. [*] Fixed minor error appeared in the papyrus logs for smoothcamerafollow.psc: "error: (00000014): cannot fetch variable...", discovered thanks to masal57. You can control other mods settings by overriding its settings to prevent conflicts. I have Skyrim for the PS3, but seeing how you have the same issue that I had (and you have the PC version) I think it should work for you as well. This makes your player model often in the way of interacting with anything your crosshairs aim at. When enabled, the aiming offsets for archery and magic will not apply anymore and the crosshair will return to default centered position. [+] Ranged NPC Accuracy Degree - Accuracy percentage of NPC ranged attacks. [*] Melee Camera for Left Handed Magic - previously known in 3PCO++ as a "Spell Blade mode for 3rd person" switch. User determines how much easy or realistic the aiming will be. now it is detected from the saved gameThe fixed werewolf camera getting caught when the bEnableHeadBobPosition So in MCM you need just find the swapped factor value to make the crosshair to be pointed on that fall point on the opposite side. Log in to view your list of favourite games. I have it set with a positive horizontal offset and negative vertical offset, for an over-the-shoulder view. Car Rental Blog Page. 1.6. In MCM: before installing the custom UI, in any activity MCM-section please do enable "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" MCM option - this will make the AIM FIX to absorb custom stealth meter postition at next game load. Now the crosshair can be switched dynamically in according with each of the Activity setup and it supports custom UI's stealth meter position. I'm looking for a mod that resets your crosshair in some way. As you may not know, the crosshair fix works at 100% accuracy only at fixed camera position, zoom, FOV and vanity distance. No need to update if you already playing well. [+] New option "Process Crosshair Hovering Event" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing event weither the crosshair is hovered on interaction object or not. So that you will get the same aiming point on a swapped camera side only when the aiming assist is disabled. [+] New option "Process Attack Keys" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing left and right handed attack buttons (default keys are 'Left Mouse Button' and 'Left Mouse Button') to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. [+] Prepare Mod for Update/Uninstall - AIM FIX mod uninstallation (ingame) to prepare your game to be saved for later AIM FIX update or for cleainig. Note on iHUD + SkyHUD + Customizable UI Replacer + AIM FIX compatibility: 4. I personally didn't getting such issue on my PC (powerful enough), but if this happens on your config then I suggest you to: - Hover on object again or perform any ingame action (attack, crouch, etc) to make AIM FIX update the crosshair settings. [+] Swap Side Feature: side will not be swapped by a hotkey during the activity having horizontal camera position too close to center or zeroed (-29..0..+29). [+] New toggle option "Crosshair: Show during Hovering on Objects" - individual switch for Ranged Activity to dynamically display the hovering crosshair. Note: A speed of 0 will move … Negative values means zooming in (closer). 1.4. If so, plz send the link or something to it. [*] Option "AIM FIX Debug Messages" renamed to "Display Status Messages". The main purpose of Lock Wheel Zoom is to provide preservation of the aiming accuracy offsets, which is useful if you like to disable the aim assist. Consequences: the "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" switches will become unavailable and its functions will be inhibited. [*] Crosshair toggling: fixed unwanted crosshair disappearing/appearing after menus/dialogs and during sneaking. I'm using Customizable Camera to control my third person view. (Version 1.1) Share. [+] Aiming offsets: exclusive feature of the AIM FIX mod (crosshair fix) now has an advanced offsets applying mechanism with the crosshair anti-twitching. HOME; ABOUT; TREATMENTS; CONDITIONS; PRICES; DOCTORS; REVIEWS; skyrim se crosshair too low. [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Vertical. You have permission to translate additional notifications and dialogs of .pex files using xTranslator.3. 2.5. As you can see the crosshair itself is rather small and is a white color. luckily we have the AIM FIX aiming offsets feature, so if you are a pro shooter then it's your way. Applies globally for all activities. Ingame AIM FIX uninstallation function works 100%, reliable as a rock, but even if you have a skill to perform saved game cleaninig, please always remember, that the risks of using such utility will always remain. After you get out of cave and Alduin will fly far away (the Unbound quest completes) you will see the AIM FIX welcome message, the camera will apply its defaul settings, and the MCM will become active. Fixed issue (discovered thanks to Tony48): when the camera min/max distance (vanity) was not applied once on first game load after Skyrim was fully restarted from desktop, but during the next game loadings all worked. 2.7. Right hand has become primary during dual magic attack - you can charge right handed long range attack during left handed healing, so left hand spell cast will not break right hand aiming. [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Zoom - replaces regular camera zoom value during sneaking. Added AIM FIX automatic standby mode during the intro sequence (Helgen): if you start a new game the AIM FIX will be inactive (including MCM) until you escape Helgen. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. After uninstallation and saving this game the rest actions depending on user'skill when preforming saved game cleaning using external utility (search for two scripts to delete from save: LoadCamINI and SmoothCameraFollow). [*] Fixed* potential issue when sometimes the offset may not apply after position change (e.g. As you can see the AIM FIX mod is quite flexible. 1.5. [+] New option "Process Menus Open/Close Events" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing opening/closing events for some of game menus to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. [*] Fixed position re-absorbing of the custom UI sneak eye for the "Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)" switch when it was toggled more than once. AIM FIX additional features (when needed): the absorbed stealth meter position is used for dynamic crosshair toggling between the activities and for lowering the centered sneak eye during hovering on interacting objects objects/NPC's, also stealth meter will start recieving the aiming offsets when it centerd (vanilla) during sneaking. Provides total control over the crosshair position for archery and magic to match the hit point shift caused by the custom animations and mods. [+] New option "Process Animation Events" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing animations events to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. . FOV also will apply once at first mod launch (to override Skyrim.INI setting) and it will fire only after any menu closed by player (favorites, inventory, main menu etc). [+] Zoom Speed (Mouse Wheel) - Speed of zooming when using mouse wheel scroll. [+] Improved stability on mod initialization (first load): fixed "MCM does not appear" problem, and in case if it still happens you can read the documentation on the mod page which contain instructions. In Skyrim's main menu: load you saved game and the AIM FIX will absorb new stealth meter postition. This means though in third person mode my character is (effects of perspective aside) aiming to the upper left of the crosshair. Fixed v2.1 issue (discovered thanks to f0restGG): unstable work and CTD at the intro sequence in Helgen (more description about changes below at p.2.2). When the "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" is disabled (means unlocked) the stealth meter dynamic lowering/centering become available individually for each activity. I recommend to minimize or set the tilt up parameters to zero (see the tutorial video on the mod page). Note 0: aim-assist auto-switching mechanism is optimized to not fire intil the activity is changed, but after re-adjusting the set of auto-switches in MCM you will need to switch the camera view two-three times (and re-draw weapon maybe) until new settings apply. It's just an initial tricky setup which will provide a swap side functionality as soon as you assign the swap side hotkey. Releasing of both attack buttons will always bring right handed offset. 3rd/1st person camera switch via mouse wheel will become instant. [-] Aiming offsets: removed dual attack offsets for spells and staves - they are no longer needed because of a new handling mechanism for magic offsets (described above). You can directly tweak the Tilt Up Angle parameters of Skyrim.ini via MCM. [*] Fixed position recovery of a custom UI's stealth meter position after settings reset and in-game uninstall (discovered thanks to Psyphie). Dunno if this works for you, but I prefer just turning the crosshair off altogether. Consequences: aiming offsets will no longer be updated (re-calculated) for an opposite camera side; also FOV will not apply automatically after menu closing. Additional note for better understanding how it works: right handed magic offsets now will apply instantly on eqip (before the attack). Thank you very much for reading this changelog, I hope it helps you to build a whole picture of new possibilities you get with the AIM FIX. 2.3. Crosshair visibility settings for each Activity will not affected by this option. For Special Edition it will be possible only if Enhanced Camera mod SSE will be released. [+] Auto-ON for 3rd Person Magic - activates the aiming assist tweaks as soon as you stand on foot with a spell/staff equipped in 3rd person view. We would love to hear from you . Currently it has options to control the custom UI mods and Archery Gameplay Overhaul. It seems that if you move the camera, or change the height of your character the crosshair stays stuck on its old position. [*] Option "Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)" - You need to enable it only before updating the custom UI if you wish the AIM FIX mod to use new custom stealth meter position for additional features: dynamic crosshair toggling between the activities, aiming offsets application and dynamic sneak eye lowering during hovering on interacting objects objects/NPC's. Tap the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X keyboard shortcut to unlock it. Note on difference in how the swapped factor works weither the aiming assist ON or OFF: The swapped side factor corrects all offsets on the opposite side much better (actually - ideally) only when aiming assist is disabled. Fixed v2.1 issue (discovered thanks to ImperialWanderer): when the camera was forced to 3rd person on a melee weapon draw, even if the 'Auto Switch 3rd Person View' switch for Melee Activity is disabled. How it works: as soon as you disable all MCM-switches of mentioned options the AIM FIX mod will stop processing related events and hotkeys, so no need to tweak it manually. When disabled the stealth meter will start getting the aiming offsets or position lowering. As soon you turn camera away the crosshair dissapears. When enabled, prevents enemies from instant strafing like some 'ninja-surfer' when you try shoot them, even from the back (vanilla behavior). Note on installating a custom UI mod on a saved game whene the AIM FIX is already active: 1. AIM FIX mod will automatically disable this switch as soon as you disable the "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" option for all Activities to lighten the script load a bit. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Vertical - replaces regular vertical camera position during sneaking. Value of 100 means that all NPCs become a headshot-snipers, otherwize zero means that they become squint-eyed ;) but they still be able to make 1..2 hits in 10 miss. Dynamic Aim Assist auto-switching (tweaked similar to Proper aiming mod) separately for archery and magic also for 1st/3rd person. To enable or disable the crosshair, … AIM FIX Combat Camera mod version history. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. After reading this similar thread, Less Intrusive Hud II seems like my best bet. In Skyrim it was possible to fix this obvious design flaw but this time, alas, no ini file to tweak with (for a reason, of course). So I'm wondering if it's possible to move the crosshair itself to compensate. It's not just the camera that changes position when using a bow, the 3rd person crosshair will also move into position. As you return into game the Tween Menu will auto-toggle rapidly to apply new FOV (only once per FOV value change). For inexperienced players it's recommended to enable them all. Consequences: detection of camera state and aiming offsets will stop working on camera view switch using the hotkey (default is 'F'), so you need to switch by a wheel zoom keys (if they are enabled here) to make the camera and crosshair to apply on a 1st/3rd person view switch. Click and drag the little grid icon to position the crosshair anywhere on the screen. [+] Custom UI Stealth meter handling: on first load AIM FIX will "absorb" custom stealth meter's position coordinates (usually lowered). Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. Enabling this option may be useful during learning how AIM FIX works. heal of flames). Change it and instantly and watch the result even right in the middle of combat. Also while it enabled the stealth meter position will be locked and cannot be dynamically changed by AIM FIX. Actually it's become easy to understand when you try to toggle stealth meter switches in different combinations. Example of use: with master level spells you need to have a good measure of distance to avoid melee attacks interrupt. Enabled by default at hte first AIM FIX launch. For example, I personally recommend to leave it enabled even if you prefer play without auto-aim at all, it allows you to conveniently pursue deer and wolves on horseback while on foot you can be a hardcore archer again. Hope it may help. No need to update if everything working well for you with 2.2c. Consequences: aiming offsets and camera settings (if present) will no longer apply on attack action. Fax [+] 1st Person: Tilt Angle of Arrows - does the same for spells and archery as described above but for the 1st person view. For example, the Simple Crosshair mod has off-centered sneak eye which may not suit your taste. The crosshair is an element on the GUI that indicates where the player is aiming with their currently equipped weapon.. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Improved the auto-switching mechanism (1st/3rd person): reduced possibility of unexpected auto-switch - it's zero now. Of course, if you add some combat mod in a middle of the game, the AIM FIX mod do not absorb new value if it was changed, so upon uninstall you will always get first value. 1.3. In Oblivion, for example, when you set the timescale too low, it would prevent a certain quest from advancing. [*] Aiming offsets: fixed multiple jumping between two points thanks to the crosshair anti-twitching feature. This mod somehow speeds up the papyrus engine and prevents game freezing. [*] Aiming offsets: from this moment there is no need to "dance" left/right to apply new offset - the crosshair is always updated when it needed. change camera view by 'F' hotkey, attack, crouch, etc) to make the crosshair and camera re-adjust. AIM FIX - total control over the crosshair for archery and magic. Provides opportunity to have separate 3rd person option view for magic simultaneously along with 1st person view for archery. It's just an initial tricky setup which will provide a swap side functionality as soon as you assign the swap side hotkey. Functionality remains the same. After that save the game and exit from Skyrim to desktop. "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" options not become grayed out in this case. Regular enemies side movement still persists and not being changed. You can find such option called "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" in each MCM activity section (it's duplicated for Exploration, Ranged and Melee). Though what would be really nice is if the crosshair position could change depending on whether I'm in first person or third person, where the crosshair is offset in third person but centred in first person. Customizable UI Replacer (if you prefer it too), 6. iHUD compatibility patch for AIM FIX (from AIM FIX download page). skyrim se bow aiming fix. So, the custom stealth meter handling is very flexible and conviniently allows you to use any custiom UI mods. Most of the camera settings was renamed and placed in more appropriate order. 2. Please support the AIM FIX Camera project. Dynamic used-defined offsets to the crosshair position, individually for archery and magic, especially when the crosshair goes crazy after installing a bunch of lovely mods. [+] Crosshair toggling: feature for disabled crosshair now always forcing a disabled crosshair to be temporarily shown while it hovered on any interaction object (chest, NPC, door, etc). Sneaking mode feature: if the Stealth Meter is initially centered then it will be temporarily lowered to free space for the hovering crosshair. If you personally want to have a re-absorb checkbox similar to "Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)" from the "Advanced Compatibility" MCM-section, please let me know. WARNING: It's strongly not recommended to change anything there without knowing of what you are doing. This will not affects the archery offsets. So I'm wondering if it's possible to move the crosshair itself to compensate. [+] MCM: improved MCM hints (appearing below): now they also contain technical info about specific game parameters being changed (e.g. [*] Fixed* potential error that could slow down MCM opening. You must think and decide for your self, what's better exactly for you. [*] The rest ranged settings are the same as they was in old mod (3PCO++) but now they resorted and renamed. To move the player to the npc, type player.moveto xx To move the npc to the player, type moveto player xx If the npc is dead, this won't work. Also for those who prefer wider FOV the MCM hint (which is appearing below in MCM) contain the way of enabling a separate FOV for 1st person hands to prevent stretched/little weapons in 1st person. The only thing that worried me is that of the Crosshairs. [*] Horizontal camera posotion tweak: position of the melee camera is initially swapped to center despite the actual horizontal value in the MCM is 50 (same as the exploration camera). It seem to appear after dodging or in 1st mode. The speed to move the mouse in the range 0 (fastest) to 100 (slowest), which can be an expression. [*] Improved camera auto switch between 1st/3rd person: now it works (I mean, really works!) skyrim se proper aiming mod. See about the appropriate MCM-option for spell-blade below at the text: "[*] Melee Camera for Left Handed Magic". Currently forced crosshair during hovering is always active and not have an option to disable this behavior. [+] Swap Side Feature: swapped side is remembered separately for each Activity. Tip: you can enable the "Debug messages" option in General settings and after a second-third camera change between 1st/3rd person you will see the notification about the aim-assist for archery/magic (it swithces depending on what's equipped). Disclaimer: please understand that any hovering issue potentially still may appear during a high script load because the papyrus engine may not transfer an appropriate event into AIM FIX in time. Subsequent game reloads will be without delay. AIM FIX lite - small fixes and optimizations to the scripts. [+] Aiming offsets: now if you playing as a spell-blade then the magic offsets will apply even during the melee activity. This option is disposable (disables itself after next game load). [*] Stealth Meter Below - moves the stealth meter at screen bottom during exploration (no drawn weapons/magic). Lock it again, and return to your game. Dynamic crosshair visibility toggle, stealth meter position toggle. To center it horizontally on your screen, take your screen resolution's width minus iSize W in Skyrim.ini and divide that by 2. 1.1. [+] New option "Process Movement Keys" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing movement keys (default key is 'A' and 'D') to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it.