Super Jump Commands. /effect @a minecraft:jump_boost 2 10 This gives Jump boost two to all players for 10 seconds. Add or remove status effects on players and other entities. Super Jump works by you typing the command and giving you a modified jump boost potion that lasts for endless amount and lets you jump up over 10 blocks in Minecraft, also the jumping powers last until you type the off command in chat. Super Jump is a simple Plugin Made especially for Double Jumping in your Minecraft Server! Teleport the player anywhere in two dimensions from the current location. CHANGED IN V.1.1 This Minecraft tutorial explains the Nausea effect with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Super Jump works by you typing the command and giving you a modified jump boost potion that lasts for endless amount and lets you jump up over 10 blocks in Minecraft, also the jumping powers last until you type the off command in chat. The Nausea effect is a status effect that wobbles and warps what you see in the game. 1 Syntax 2 Arguments 3 Result 4 Output 5 Note 6 Examples 7 History Java Edition effect clear [] [] Removes an effect. I've seen jump boost BOOTS, but all YouTube has on it are super complicated commands, and I was wondering if maybe someone would be kind enough to give me a relatively simple command or recipe that I could use (I could use potions but that wouldn't look to great). What is Super Jump? In Today’s Gaming Guide we show you a list of the main minecraft commands . Double jump command for minecraft 1.12.2 Hey everyone, at the moment I am working on a dungeon jumper/mario themed map. Minecraft commands are cheats that allow us to have more control on the server, change game mode, create blocks of commands, add effects, items, and potions! Super jump. Here is the Command Please 1 Dont act like its your own work. effect give [] [] [] Gives an effect. player.onChat("jump", function { player.teleport(pos(0,100,0)); }); Go anywhere. It gives you the feeling that the room is spinning and that you are about to be sick. The command is /effect (player, @a or @p) minecraft:(potion, with _ between two words) (level of potion such as jump boost 2 or 3) (number of seconds, 255 max, more for unlimited)  What do these commands do together? Bedrock Edition effect clear Removes all effects. CHANGED IN V.1.1 Commands 4 & 5: /effect [PLAYER] minecraft:blindness 2 10 and /effect [PLAYER] minecraft:night_vision 1 20 The reason why I put these two commands together is because they need to be used together. Just 1 Command Block needed. Super Jump Commands. Everything is going well but i still need a command (for a command block) that allows players to double jump. The player goes to a random location 50 blocks North or South, and 50 blocks East or West. Not even the ground below them. Teleport the player 100 blocks up when the jump command is typed in the chat. Officially blind the player from seeing EVERYTHING. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. is the number one paste tool since 2002. For this map to be realistic, I wanted to be able to have a big jump boost. In Vanilla Minecraft!