It includes permits for individual facilities, general permits, and stormwater permits. Gaylord, Michigan 49735-9282 . Michigan oil & gas operators, recent drilling permits, producing wells, and well production information. by: 24 Hour ... DEQ on issuing Nestle permit | Full permit. However, SOCs can only be issued if the reasons causing the non-compliance are not operational in nature (i.e., they must be tangible problems with plant design or infrastructure). How to Perform a Search: Fill in the entry fields at the left. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 30473 LANSING MI 48909-7973 ENVIRONMENTAL CALENDAR October 3, 2016 TOPIC DESCRIPTION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE CENTER 800-662-9278 E-mail: The DEQ Environmental Assistance Center (EAC) is available to provide direct access to environmental programs, answers to environmental … This search will return a maximum of 5000 permits. 2100 West M -32 . Home; Road Commission; Permits; Permits. When a site fails to comply with permit(s) or regulations, appropriate enforcement action is taken to promptly return the site to compliance. Find a SIC or view the most common among MDEQ regulated facilities. DEQ: Nestle can pump more water near Evart Michigan. Most activities that occur within or along the shoreline of inland lakes and streams are regulated under Michigan's Inland Lakes and Streams Act. Free Search. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. Stormwater General Permit. Capitalization does not matter and no wildcards are needed on name or permit number. Enter one or more criteria and then click the "Submit" button. administered by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Results will show the ID, name, permit/coverage number, permit/coverage type, city, and county. Featured below are EGLE interactive and data driven environmental online services. The system allows searches to be conducted using the date, county, township, name of permit applicant and/or affected waterbody name. Look in: Entire Site. About This Search. Visit our Maps & Data page to find downloadable Open Data, engaging StoryMaps, and more. Water Control Board Addresses Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Protection, Coastal Resilience, Eastern Shore Groundwater and the Clean Water Load Fund By Bryce Huffman • Apr 16, 2018 . Executive ... approval from Wayne County Department of Public Services and a construction permit from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). STATE OF MICHIGAN. Cover Page for Solid Waste Permit Application. nSITE provides an integrated, cross-programmatic view of information for sites that are of environmental concern to the agency. Mining Forms Package PDF. The MiWaters site can also be utilized by the […] Disclosure Statement Form. Site data from each connected source system is presented as a single record, combining information from multiple program areas to create a holistic view of site activities that have an environmental impact. Use the pick lists to select the County and Township. ECED is responsible for the regulation of over 10,000 sites for compliance with applicable air and water permits and regulations. This permit is required under the authority of Part 41, Sewerage Systems, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. MiWaters (pronounced “My Waters”) is a new web-based information system recently rolled out by the DEQ’s Water Resources Division (WRD), designed to manage all of the WRD’s compliance and permitting activities in the groundwater, NPDES, aquatic nuisance, Part 41 wastewater construction, and water resource permit programs. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality invites the public to submit written comments on the conditions of Fred Meyer, Inc.’s Clackamas Bakery proposed air quality permit. A citizen led group in Saugatuck is appealing the state’s decision to permit development along the Kalamazoo River. WATER RESOURCES DIVISION. Motor Vehicle Racing Facility initial permit applicants must contact DEQ for instructions and guidance. Rick Snyder, approved the permit despite the misgivings … DEQ Home Status of Permit Application - Search View the status of current DEQ permit applications. The tool is called FACTS and stands for Fees, Applications & Compliance Tracking System. Large Construction Stormwater Forms Package (includes NOI) PDF. Non-Landfill Temporary Easement Michigan Restaurant Inspections. Department of Environmental Quality. View Michigan Department of Environmental Quality information about environmental services and programs including air permits, air quality forecast, environmental mapper, oil and gas database, hazardous waste, wetlands, and more. The DEQ is responding to numerous contacts from marina and riparian owners who are faced with the need to dredge to reach water deep enough for navigation due to the low Great Lakes water levels this spring. Baseline Forms Package PDF. Search. The DEQ's April 2 approval of Nestle's permit is highly unpopular with people in Michigan and elsewhere. Temporary Easement, DEQ Form #515-022. The former Department of Environmental Quality, then part of the administration of former Gov. Progress Meter Any facility that discharges, or may discharge, pollutants to ground water needs a permit. For current permit holders, the annual renewal application is available below. For now the DEQ director has final say over matters such as permit conditions, and the verdicts are subject to federal and state laws. Final and draft permits. EGLE Online Services. Rick Snyder, approved the permit despite the misgivings … Search . The Hazardous Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Section is composed of engineers and geologists who review permit applications and write permits for hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities as authorized under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, EPA regulations, the Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Management Act, and state rules. Wastewater and stormwater discharge permits, individual surface and groundwater as well as general permits are included in the system. Note: at the present time, only Water Quality permit applications can be viewed. Chances are likely that your project does require a permit through the Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) reminds Michigan residents that dredging in the Great Lakes, inland lakes, streams and wetlands requires a permit. The former Department of Environmental Quality, then part of the administration of former Gov. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . To minimize search errors, the township names are linked to the corresponding county, and the town & range numbers are linked to the township names. The Michigan DEQ’s decision to approve the permit application is a result of rollbacks to the Critical Dunes Protection Act, passed by the current legislature, in August 2012. Shoreline Protection/Critical Dune Permit: Josh Crane ( (616) 204-1752: Inland Lakes and Streams/Wetland Protection: Josh Crane ( (616) 204-1752: Flood Plain: Matt Occhipinti ( (616) 204-1708: Migrant Inspector: Steve Wagstaff (231) 373-4299: DEQ Demo Jeremy Brown (517) 599-7825 Permit Number: Applicant: City: Equipment: County . 989-731-4920 . Michigan Air Permit System New Source Review. Search. active) and draft (i.e. DEQ has recently released an online system to apply for and manage a range of water permits. TAKE NOTICE that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), Water Resources Division (WRD), will hold a public hearing on July 25, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Little Bear East … Of the more than 80,000 comments submitted, only 75 were in support of Nestle. The table below contains all final (i.e. SOCs may be an appropriate course of action if a facility is unable to consistently comply with the terms, conditions, or limitations in an NPDES Permit. MS4 (Municipal) Phase II Stormwater Forms … This page has moved to the following link:,9429,7-135-3310_70487-546612--,00.html The minimum search criteria are County, Township or Town & Range Numbers. The Coastal and Inland Waters Permit Information System (CIWPIS) is an on‐line resource maintained by the DEQ that allows users to conduct specific searches for permits issued within their area. The following applications and forms are available for download in either DOC or PDF format. Michigan to expedite shoreline erosion permits for homes hit by high lake levels Several homes have been evacuated or pulled off their foundations due … Search; deq permits. The statutes of the state of Michigan authorize the Delta County Road Commission to issue special permits for the movement over county roads of vehicles or loads, which exceed the size or weight limitations specified by law. For all other air permit requests or determinations (anything that does not require an actual permit or permit modification) use the Air Miscellaneous Requests form. View Michigan restaurant inspection reports by county, restaurant name, license number, or address. Cover Page for Solid Waste Permit Modification Application. Norm Hoekstra . You may use 1 or more fields to limit your search. Saugatuck Dunes Coastal Alliance appeals MDEQ permit for dune development. The permit will allow for a 1.5-mile-long access road within dunes that are nationally-renowned for their natural beauty. proposed) NPDES permits issued by EPA within Michigan. Click on the facility/permit name to view the permit and supporting documents. Some documents require you to follow a link to an another page which may be served by an outside website. Search for: Search. Michigan Permits to Install Pending Applications. The Joint Permit Application is a multi-purpose application used to describe and quantify proposed activities regulated by the DEQ and/or the USACE. DrillingEdge provides drilling permits, well completion information, and production reports on wells in Michigan.