During our development bones fuse together. Smallpox has been all but eradicated since the 1970s, thanks to vaccines, but two labs--one in Atlanta, Georgia, and the other in Russia--have been approved by the World Health Organization to store samples. As many as 400 live on the island, but they’re so aggressive and difficult to communicate with that the Indian government has put a stop to all attempts. Know to have the most painful stings in the world, the tarantula hawk is normally pretty mild-mannered. The blobfish has been voted as the ugliest animal in the world, but experts argue that the title is rather unfair. However, there is no cure for rabies infection. The sting of a small cone snail can be as bad as a bee sting, but the sting of the larger ones can be serious and even fatal to humans. Here is a quick look at some weird science facts. Within three days of death, the enzymes from your digestive system begin to digest your body. There is a species of cone snail known as “cigarette snail.” It is said that if this cone snail stings you, you would have about the time to finish off a cigarette before dying. In 2020 many people died so i will be sharing creepy facts about death! on 20 Strange and Unusual Facts That Sound Too Scary To Be True! Speaking of scary islands, North Sentinel Island, off the coast of India, is home to one of the world’s most isolated tribes, the Sentinelese. Extra für meine deutschsprachigen Abonennten und Fans 10 gruselige Fakten. Sudden Death Syndrome is a Real Thing. ... which will hopefully improve the smoking statistics for 2020 and on. Us, too. Facts About the Search for Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe. Section two of our guide to Ireland facts is filled with weird and wonderful facts. Then in 1834, Dr. John Cooke … Read More & Source. (1, 2). Females of this parasite grow up to 1.1 inches long and males tend to be much smaller. Your Cell Phone is Dirtier Than a Public Restroom, 11. Known as Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS), it’s a type of death that occurs unexpectedly, without warning, often in your sleep, and with no known cause. Fatal familial insomnia is a deadly insomnia that doesn’t just keep you from being able to sleep. California’s Central Valley is surrounded by massive faults, the boundaries of tectonic plates where earthquakes form, including the Garlock fault, the Sierra Nevada faults, and the infamous San Andreas fault. 6 The Coronavirus May Also Kill The Global Economy In 2020 The global economy behaves somewhat like a living being, and it started 2020 with a nasty bug. Gives dusting a whole new sense of urgency, doesn’t it? Take heart, however; the death rate is low and now we have antibiotics! Donkey Kong got his name because his creator believed “donkey” meant “stupid” in English and wanted to convey the impression that the character was a “Stupid Ape”. Despite this, it is natural to wonder why just the feet are washing up to the beach and not other body parts, and why these feet are still intact despite being in advanced stages of decomposition. 1. While they only account for about 3% of our total mass, they keep us alive. WTF Fun Facts is updated daily with interesting & funny random facts. (1, 2), 780 SharesComments Off on 10 Craziest Theft Stories that Will Leave You in Stitches, 858 SharesComments Off on 10 Strange Myths and Legends that Turned Out to Be True, 936 SharesComments Off on 10 Bizarre Parasites and Their Petrifying Ways of Taking Over Their Hosts, 1k SharesComments Off on 11 Unimaginable Ways People Died Which Sound Straight from the Final Destination Movie, 780 SharesComments Off on 10 Most Mind-Boggling Missing Person Cases that Were Later Solved, 624 SharesComments Off on 15 Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Hazardous, by Rinku Bhattacharjee Feb 10, 2021, 8:42 am, 624 SharesComments Off on 10 Bizarre Abduction Cases that Will Shock You, 546 SharesComments Off on 10 Seemingly Normal Images with Disturbing Backstories, by Rinku Bhattacharjee Jan 24, 2021, 9:00 am, 624 SharesComments Off on 10 People Who Survived Impossible Situations and Tragedies, 936 SharesComments Off on 12 Dangerous Creatures that You Should Stay Away from at All Costs, by Rinku Bhattacharjee Dec 3, 2020, 8:15 am, 1.2k Shares566.4k ViewsComments Off on Hisashi Ouchi, the Victim of Beyond Fatal Radiation Kept Alive for 83 Days Against His Will, 546 Shares85.9k ViewsComments Off on 10 Strangest Mysteries that Are still Unsolved, 546 Shares78.1k ViewsComments Off on 15 Less-known People with Extraordinary Superhuman Abilities, 780 Shares61.4k ViewsComments Off on 10 Intriguing Criminal Cases that Were Solved in Unexpected Ways. February 8, 2021. 7. When someone is exposed to the rabies virus, they have to seek treatment immediately. Creepy. Both the male and the female parasite enters a fish through the gills. By January Nelson Updated September 18, 2020. kjax. Asset 5 Moral of the story? 20 facts about the class of 2020 that will blow your mind Although most students won't walk across stage this year, the classes of 2020 are graduating from colleges and … It's likely that more than 11 species of fish can walk on land. We’re betting you’ve never had a nightmare about a giant beaver, but there’s a good chance that’s about to change! 8. A locust invasion is threatening the local agriculture and could possibly create famine. on Hisashi Ouchi, the Victim of Beyond Fatal Radiation Kept Alive for 83 Days Against His Will, on 10 Strangest Mysteries that Are still Unsolved, on 15 Less-known People with Extraordinary Superhuman Abilities, on 10 Intriguing Criminal Cases that Were Solved in Unexpected Ways. The last time the area experienced a quake that was a seven magnitude or higher was in 1906 when 3,000 people died in San Francisco. You thought you were safe from the Bubonic plague, right? Gross! John Douglas, a former FBI chief, estimates that (conservatively) there are approximately 25-50 serial killers out there today. Their venom is designed to paralyze. Furthermore, the Greek historian Herodotus wrote in The Histories that ancient Egyptians left the bodies of deceased, beautiful women to decay for three to four days before sending them to the embalmers. The disease alters the neural pathways of the infected, changing their behavior dramatically. These Chains Are Closing Locations Permanently in 2020 Advertisement Factinate is a fact website that is dedicated to finding and sharing fun facts about science, history, animals, films, people, and much more. Jan 11, 2020 - Explore Matthew Chavez's board "weird facts", followed by 4953 people on Pinterest. To withstand such intense pressure, you would need a sturdy submarine! Imagine taking a stroll down the beach one day and discovering a severed human foot! In 1979, during a naval game, Russian submarine K-8 experienced two fires. Experts think that the answer lies in the shoes. 15 Weird Science Facts That are Truly Mind Boggling. We were still disturbed, however, to find that a study at the University of Arizona revealed that most people’s phones have more than ten times the bacteria found on a toilet seat. The male attaches itself to the gill arches, whereas the female attaches itself to the tongue of the fish. Had enough scary facts for the day? 1. Or what you call a rainbow that happens at night? 2020 is the 20th year of 21st century and 20th year of 3rd millennium. Whatever You Do, Don’t Let the Tarantula Hawk Get You, 20. By Jerome London Updated February 8, 2021. Disneyland, often referred to as the “Magic Kingdom,” was designed to make adults feel young again and for kids of all ages to enjoy their fantasies. The nose and ears never stop growing. Adults have 206 bones, born babies 270. When does your neck move like this? These food facts are sure to satiate your weird and fun food fact appetite! Bacteria, that’s what. 20 Scary And Disturbing Facts About Death. Oct 6, 2020 - Explore Meenakshi's board "Weird & Mysterious", followed by 149 people on Pinterest. You Might Stay Conscious After a Decapitation, 6. Creepy 10 Eerie Paranormal Tales From Ireland Creepy 10 Strange Omens That Warned Of Death Creepy 10 Crazy Facts From Bedlam, History’s Most Notorious Asylum Creepy 10 Gross Historical Facts About The Skeleton Trade Creepy 10 Creepy Abandoned Places Creepy 10 Legends Of Aquatic Humanoid Creatures As the virus continues to attack the central nervous system, it can either lead to furious rabies or paralytic rabies. You’d probably never know unless you have rosacea, which is sometimes an allergic reaction to dust mite feces. Human theeth are as hard as rocks Following the 2018 Winter Olympics, in 2020 Summer Olympics is going to be held in Tokyo, Japan from July 24 till August 09. Scientists have hooked monitored lab rats’ brain activity after decapitation and have found a creepy conclusion: brain activity continues for several seconds. Scientific research has brought out some fascinating facts and figures about the universe. We don’t manufacture smallpox vaccines anymore. These 12 facts about music, and how they affect your brain, will astound you! 13. 546 Shares49.6k ViewsComments Off on 10 Seemingly Normal Images with Disturbing Backstories, 546 Shares46.1k ViewsComments Off on 20 Scary And Disturbing Facts About Death, © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved, unbelievable-facts.com, on 12 Creepy Facts You Won’t Believe Are True, 12 Incredible Houses You Won’t Believe Exist, 10 People Who Survived Impossible Situations and Tragedies, on 10 Craziest Theft Stories that Will Leave You in Stitches, on 10 Strange Myths and Legends that Turned Out to Be True, on 10 Bizarre Parasites and Their Petrifying Ways of Taking Over Their Hosts, on 11 Unimaginable Ways People Died Which Sound Straight from the Final Destination Movie, on 10 Most Mind-Boggling Missing Person Cases that Were Later Solved, on 15 Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Hazardous, on 10 Bizarre Abduction Cases that Will Shock You, on 10 Seemingly Normal Images with Disturbing Backstories, on 10 People Who Survived Impossible Situations and Tragedies, on 12 Dangerous Creatures that You Should Stay Away from at All Costs.