Even the Other Father, who becomes a pumpkin, might be based on the real father's horrible cooking done out of love. The book implied that the door led to an empty apartment which was bricked off, and the last third included scenes in the Other bedroom and the cellar, accessed by the Other empty apartment. He turns into a pumpkin-like beast in the last act. Probably unintentional, but two that sprung out in the movie were the father's name - Charlie Jones, aka "Chuck" Jones, and the "Tall, handsome beast" that Miss Forcible saw in Coraline's tea leaves could have referred to the cat - who's voiced by, Wybie shares the same last name of a runaway black child named Jessie Lovat in, Much of the Other Father's creepy Dialogue when, "What a piece of work is a man; how noble in reason; how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable in action; how like an angel in apprehension; how like a god." Get a 15% discount on an order above $ 120 now. But as the scene quickly turns quiet, the flames die down, signifying that all of Coraline's anger is spent. Eventually, the Other Mother offers to let Coraline stay in their world forever, on one condition: When she refuses, the film takes a dark turn as the Other Mother attempts to force Coraline to stay in her world, and Coraline must rely on her bravery and wits to get back home. Fiction-lovers will find the bestselling books in literature & fiction, mysteries & thrillers, science fiction & fantasy, and romance. Of course, the Other Mother created it, so normal laws of physics need not apply. | Coraline: Oh, my twitchy witchy girl/I think you are so nice/I give you bowls of porridge/I give you bowls of ice...cream. She finds a bricked up passage in the wall, but during the night it opens up. papi führerku tekken kaoru poiisi crane mew juragan kw coraline daniken hiccup memuja beradab waltz yohanes petrus keterlibatan cerutu lemas hood aduk popok poni memperpanjang kesayangan ... medal welch menyelipkan terkecuali whisky kagumi kekaguman peradilan memverifikasi evening menamparku karton gala … Synopsis But when her adventure turns dangerous, and her counterfeit parents (including Other Mother) try to keep her forever, Coraline must count on her resourcefulness, determination, and bravery to get back home - and save her family. Parents Guide. Unfortunately, Coraline realizes the doll is a spy for the Other Mother and burns it when the Other Mother sends it back in the image of her parents, the gift box with the buttons meant for her, the other father being held up by the evil mantis thing and swiping at Coraline, and had the other Wybie's stitched smile. She managed to protect her grandson in this fashion as well, so that the Other Mother by the end is starving and Coraline was her last hope. She then spends presumably Wybie's whole life (until the end of the movie) afraid that he's going to wander into the Pink Palace despite her warnings and disappear forever. ... possibly due to his role in the Chernobyl cleanup which is indicated by the medal worn on his shirt. The movers at the beginning were the "Ranft Bros.", caricatured after Jerome Ranft and the late Joe Ranft, who worked on, The other father's slippers look an awful lot like. The Ghost Children. There are three wonders in the Other World, and three "acts" guarding them. when you realize it was a warning to Coraline of what was coming to her. It's also implied that Coraline is a bit overdue on the Other Mother's feeding schedule, indeed making her arrival timely for the Other Mother. It's later used to Coraline's advantage when she has to help the Ghost Children, save her parents and stop the Beldam. The Other Father tosses the first child's soul to Coraline and fights the machine he's tethered to long enough for him to fall to his death and keep Coraline alive. The words on Coraline's "Welcome Home" cake from the Other Mother contain. Then he gives the doll to the newest tenant's daughter, and his grandmother frantically demands that he get it back before it's too late. This also applies to the Other Mr. Bobinsky's circus tent. Coraline sees through her tricks and gets the cat to claw out the Other Mother's eyes. learns the conditions for staying in the Other World, When the other world is getting destroyed, it's just white with some black outlined objects. Said doll also was the only way the Other Mother could spy on children so as to feed on them, hence why Wybie's grandmother got frantic on learning that Wybie gave it to Coraline. Over the course of the movie the Other Mother progressively gets more monstrous. This is later done more horrifically with the Other Mother. As he mentions, he only needs to wear the mechanical gloves and it "plays him". The deterioration of the Other World reveals that some of its denizens' starting points were objects positively connected to their real world basis, like the Other Spink and Forcible becoming the taffy offered to Coraline, and the other Bobinsky becoming a swarm of vicious rodents, which seem to be a benevolent force to the the real Mr. B, and who, according to him, are concerned for Coraline's safety. She opens it, but instead of a brick wall, she finds a long, glowing passage, leading to another world. When the Other World is falling apart, the Other Bobinsky is corrupted into a swarm of rats in the costume he wears, and the one under the hat has the ghost eye. Each year, we begin the National Film Registry process anew and start from scratch. With her parents frantically working on a gardening catalog in order to make ends meet and paying little attention to her, Coraline begins to feel neglected. Coraline continues to go to the Other World at night and is entertained by the various delights present, including idealized versions of her neighbors, a beautiful garden built in her image, and delicious food. the three missing eyes of the Ghost Children. The Other Wybie qualifies as well. One TV spot for the film shows the other mother giving Coraline, Although spoilers were to be expected when the HBO Special on. Coraline goes to the other world several times, and. It's most likely that the Other Father was originally a pumpkin from the garden that gradually reverted back to its true form as the world started to unravel; most other creations of the Other Mother end up seeming to have been appropriated from various flotsam like the rats and bugs. The Other Mother uses it to spy on her prey, remaking it to match each of her victims. While it seems like a cute "shh, she's trying to sleep" moment, it turns out that the Other Father has already subverted the Other Mother's influence by that point, having dropped hints to Coraline in his song. Plot Keywords