THEME: Rule of Law in Context: Indian and Global Perspectives. The list goes on until our postmodern, post-industrial times, where global metropoles are umbilically linked to law. They must be sent no later than 5 February 2021 to Call for Papers and Posters for the Association of Law Teachers’ Annual Conference 2021. Abstracts should be sent to Call for Papers: Political and Legal Theory of International Courts and Tribunals 2021. Further, the focus of research presentation and publication will be on SDGs. For BISA 2020 we will accept three submission types: 1. We invite submissions for the 10 th annual robotics law and policy conference—We Robot 2021—to be held at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, USA, on September 23-25, 2021. Symbiosis Law School, Pune is a constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) and is one of the distinguished centres of legal education in the country. For further queries or information, please write to We invite students, PhD candidates and young researchers from law and other disciplines to send their 250-350 words abstracts by 31 January 2021. issues regarding monuments, street names, national monuments); The historical and contemporary legal status of independent and semi-independent city-states, e.g. ... we have decided to continue with only the online component of the 2021 conference. All submissions (abstract/ paper) must be made to Call for Papers The 13th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2021 (WebSci’21) is an interdisciplinary conference where a multitude of research disciplines converge with the purpose of creating a greater insight into a complex global Web than the sum of their individual parts. OGEL Call for Papers Special Issue on Circular Economy and the Energy Transition. The authors of selected papers will be required to submit a 2,000-word extended abstract to by Sunday, 21 February 2021. EURAM ONLINE CONFERENCE 16-18 June 2021. Early Bird Registration Deadline: 9 April 2021. Thursday 8 April 2021 (online) Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 January 2021. The conference theme Disrupting Legal Education. An important feature of the conference will be a part of ongoing project 'EURASIA' where it welcomes – European Studies in Law, Management, Humanities, Science, Trade and Economics. Special issue scheduled for publication in Fall 2021. The topic of the conference is “Tax law in times of disruption and recovery”. The deadline for submitting a proposal is 31 January 2021. 10 June 2021–11 June 2021, 9:00 am–6:00 pm Call for Papers. New York, Los Angeles, London) become actors in the international law discourse, surpassing traditional national boundaries; The various ways social changes interact with legal rules and instigate legal changes; Facial recognition technologies and mass surveillance; Predictive policing and the automation of the criminal justice system; Criminal policies leading to the criminalization of poverty in urban settings; Issues concerning discriminatory policies of the municipal police forces; Issues concerning the treatment and legal statues of the homeless; Issues concerning the prison system, with correctional institutions becoming dysfunctional ‘cities’; University cities becoming urban spaces co-created by local citizens and students, bringing various challenges to the legal system – and legal education; Issues regarding campuses, which are, in a way, mini-cities, and consequences studying on a campus may have on legal education; The various ways in which cities balanced the protection of public health and individual liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic. Call For Papers: '9th International Annual Research Conference On Rule Of Law In Context: Indian And Global Perspectives' (SYMROLIC 2021) Aseer Jamal 23 Jan 2021 11:28 AM GMT English is the official language of the conference. All the participants will be awarded an e-certificate of presentation. The conference is inter-disciplinary and ranges across Law & Life Interface in the spheres of Innovation, Science, Technology, Human Behaviour, Global Policy and Governance. The working languages of the Conference and the Seminar are English and French. CTL Fifth tax policy conference: Call for Papers Friday, 13 November 2020 The Centre for Tax Law at the University of Cambridge is delighted to invite proposals for papers to be presented at our fifth Tax Policy Conference on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 July 2021. Inspiring legal leadership for global challenges. The conference will take place on the 6-7 May 2021 at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Event date: Friday, April 16 – Saturday, April 17, 2021 ICHRICL 2021 has teamed up with the Special Journal Issue on Humanitarian Rights and International Criminal Law. Athina Papdopoulou | LIBER 2021 The Call for Papers for LIBER’s 2021 Annual Conference Online from 23 to 25 June, is now open. Accepted papers will be sent for consideration for publication in CEUR Workshop Proceedings in the GamiFIN Conference volume. Call for Papers. • The student must be enrolled in a PhD program at the time of the Conference. Due to the uncertainties regarding travel and possibility of in-person activities, the conference will take place in a hybrid format: primarily online, with some in-person activities planned for those able to meet in Montreal. by 22 April 2021. Call for Papers. Fièrement enracinés à Montréal, nous rayonnons dans le monde. We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2021 Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, focused on the theme of Crisis, Healing, and Re-imagining. Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau; The extent to which contemporary global cities (e.g. Call For Papers: '9th International Annual Research Conference On Rule Of Law In Context: Indian And Global Perspectives' (SYMROLIC 2021), 9th International Annual Research Conference, Law and Human Behaviour (focal area - COVID 19), Business, Trade, Commerce, Management and Law (focal area - Vaccine and Medical Goods), International Law, Policy and Governance (focal area - International Health, Climate Change, International Migration), European Studies in Law, Management, Humanities, Science, Trade and Economics (Human Rights, Health Law), Innovation, Science, Technology and Law (AI, Data Science, Law Tech), Public Law, Society and Governance (Human rights and Public Health, Labour Law, Farmers Right), Last date for paper submission and registration. Topics of interest for …, Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism, Fortier Chair in Int'l Arbitration & Commercial Law, Jean Monnet Chair in International Economic Integration, Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory, Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private & Comparative Law. In view of the ongoing health crisis because of COVID-19, we have decided to host our Annual Conference Online for the second consecutive year. XXII. A number of selected high-impact full text papers will also be considered for the special journal issues. The historical and contemporary theoretical and philosophical approaches to law and the city, e.g. Craft Critique Culture Conference 2021: Justice Framed. The contemporary city is a space where law comes to life, turning into an almost tangible phenomenon. First Announcement of Call for Papers: 24 September 2020. Technology, Knowledge & Society Research Network. Successful applicants will be notified by 5 March 2021, after which they are expected to submit a conference paper (no more than 4,000 words) by 1 May 2021. Call for Papers for Seventeenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, April 8-9 2021. Roundtable Submissions We accept scholarly research Regional Law Review - International Scientific Conference - Call For Papers 2021 Proposals are invited for papers and posters to be delivered at the virtual Conference. leading to architectural exclusion and structural inequalities); Issues concerning Indigenous communities and rising urbanization; The urban space being a commemorative space (e.g. Contributions in both languages will be accepted. A proof of student status will be required. The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions: Full Papers – These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).. Short Papers – These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).. Currently we are planning for an in-person event with a virtual option, but this may change subject to … In order to connect scholars and develop promising ideas for the Negotiation Journal special issue, PON and Babson College will host a virtual conference on April 23-24, 2021. Paper submissions are welcome. The following tracks have been identified for paper presentations (focal areas): Abstracts are invited for the conference from faculty members, researchers, doctoral scholars and students from across all countries. Notification of abstract selection: 30 April 2021 Academics whose abstracts have been selected will be invited to write a paper and present it during one of the breakout sessions of the AHRI conference on 27 or 28 August 2021 which will take place in Maastricht. We encourage applicants to consider various topics linked to the questions of law and the city, including, but not limited to: We would also like to invite all contributions from the area of international law, which will be presented during the conference as a part of The Dean Maxwell & Isle Cohen Seminar on International Law. Subscribe to Live Law now and get unlimited access. For any and all questions, email [at] The University of Iowa English Department invites proposals for its 2021 Annual Conference, Craft Critique Culture, to be held virtually on Zoom. The Institute of Comparative Law (Ser. Topic / Symposium Proposals: 3 July 2020. Deadline for Paper Submission: 12 January 2021. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Law and Society related areas. International Conference, Thessaloniki, 7-8 May 2021: Call for Papers Call for papers “The populist transformation of constitutional law: Populist constitutionalism and democratic representation” HEGEL’S LEGAL PHILOSOPHY AND INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. encouraging companies to move to a city) and discriminatory (e.g. Call for Papers. Call for Papers: Intermediaries in Commercial Law. Individual Paper Submissions 2. INTERNATIONAL LAW CONFERENCE MAY 11 - 12, 2021 ISTANBUL, TURKEY Abstracts/Full-Text Paper Submission Deadline February 15, 2021; Notification of Acceptance/Rejection Deadline March 01, 2021; Final Paper and Early Bird Registration Deadline April 01, 2021; Virtual Program - Istanbul The Graduate Law Students Association (GLSA) of McGill University’s Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the 14th edition of the annual McGill Graduate Law Conference on the theme of Law and the City. The Committee intends to hold the conference on the 14 and 15th September 2021. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed , publish in online and online print version. The Conference Committee will inform the authors of both the Conference and the Seminar submissions on its decisions until the end of February. Deadline: 01/4/21. All submitted papers will have the opportunity to be … The details of the conference, submission guidelines and registration are available on the official website of the conference here. is a free open-access publication service and recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073. 2021 – XIIth International Conference on Business, Economics, Law, Language & Psychology (ICBELLP), 04-05 August, Amsterdam. Conference: May 19-20-21, 2021 Over the last few years, the world has awoken to the power that we have vested—often without thought or care—in the people and systems that collect, aggregate, analyse, and act … Call for Papers . Symbiosis Law School, Pune is organizing the Virtual '9th International Annual Research Conference on Rule of Law in Context: Indian and Global Perspectives' (SYMROLIC 2021) on 12th & 13th March, 2021. SLS, Pune was placed 8th in 2020 National Institute Ranking Framework. Virtual Conference: April 23-24, 2021 (10 am – 3 pm each day) Final submissions due: June 25, 2021. Aside from the 250-350 words abstracts sent via EasyChair until 31 January 2021 on the link above, the Seminar contributors will need to prepare 2,500-3,500 words blog posts to be sent until two weeks before the conference, i.e. Authors who present at the Conference may also be invited to submit their papers for consideration for Volume 10 (2) of CILJ, the dedicated conference issue of the Journal, to be published in December 2021. Michigan Law School 2021 Junior Scholars Conference . Papers will be selected by the organising committee. Notification of Acceptance: 18 March 2021. political and legal doctrines related to utopias of an ideal city; The local, national and international regulations regarding cultural heritage protection; The issues regarding urban design, which can be both beneficial (e.g. Intersecting with the urban tissue in a variety of ways, the law in the books becomes the law in action, working within various social situations, sometimes adapting, often failing to resolve conflict. The University of Michigan Law School is pleased to invite junior scholars to attend the 7th Annual Junior Scholars Conference which will take place virtually on April 16-17, 2021. April 16-17, 2021 . ... We invite papers from any discipline that fall within the broad theme of the conference. CLEER Conference on Informal Law-Making in EU External Relations: Challenges and Prospects. CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2021 The Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore is pleased to issue a call for papers to participants of the ASEAN Law Academy Advanced Programme 2021 (Educator Programme), for an online conference on ASEAN Law and Policy on Friday, 26 February 2021. Panel Submissions 3. Deadline for Submission: January 4, 2021. The Conference Committee will disclose the exact format of the conference a month before the conference based on the recommendations of Québec's public health department. • The paper must be single-authored. Call for Papers IJSRP invites researchers, scholars and authors to submit their original and extended research to publish in peer reviewed international research journal. 16 April 2021. The CAA2021 call for papers will stay open until 1st March 2021. The links between law and the city span centuries, from Plato, imagining in The Republic the ideal law as a city and the ideal city as a law, to the rise of the Roman law, to the medieval city order – “Urban air makes you free” – to Renaissance legal utopias. On acceptance for the Conference, the full paper must be submitted to by 16 May 2021 with the e-mail subject ‘Taiwan’s Martial Law Conference PhD Paper Prize’. 5th Annual International GamiFIN conference, April 7 – 9, 2021, online conference. Any technical queries related to the CAA2021 submission system, questions about conference organization, or other logistical queries should be directed to . London LVI Conference Postponed to 2021 It was with regret that the Conference Committee decided to postpone the Law Via the Internet Conference in London, originally scheduled for September 2020. The abstracts will be accepted via EasyChair: The blog posts should present the essence of the Seminar participants’ papers and will be published online by the Conference, serving as a base for discussions during the conference. The Call for Papers will be re-opened in due course and a further announcement will be made.