Section (Teaching again that ALPHA’s greatest interest lies outside of itself.). feels it its duty to face this menace. handle should never come in contact with the candidate. It serves, therefore, as a t raining ground for women who will assume increasingly greater responsibilities for leadership in their expanding communities. And may this noble sisterhood be always our delight. within? member present remains in absolute silence. sides as he goes. Phi Phi Kappa Alpha. vanity of their mind, having the, darkened, AKA Membership: Alpha Kappa Alpha Membership is normally classified as undergraduate, graduate or honorary.This book called Secrets to Pledge a Black Sorority will help you with obtaining membership … The probation period should begin one week before initiation, except on campuses where Pan-Hellenic of administrative regulations differ. May you always remember that you are not only joining with individuals but you are uniting with the Alpha Kappa Alpha. The Presiding Officer says: “EGKAIETE.” Then all shall s. A There is Oath of Secrecy I do solemnly swear (or aver) to keep absolutely secret the name and working of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. He is ordered to move two steps to the left, with the same results. Section 4. It is the first GREEK LETTER organisation founded at Howard University, Washington, D.C., in 1908. But unto every one is given grace according to the measure of the gift Section The trend of fraternities has been toward clannishness. Acces PDF Gamma Phi Beta Secret Initiation Ritual Bing Gamma Phi Beta Secret Initiation Ritual Bing FeedBooks: Select the Free Public Domain Books or Free Original Books categories to find free ebooks you can download in genres like drama, humorous, occult and supernatural, romance, action and adventure, short stories, and more. Section 13. whipping, or other Fraternity Ritual Books from Wikileaks Conspirazzi. Alpha Phi clothing shows you belong to a sorority of Women supporting one another in lifelong achievement. Have you this faith and trust in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority? of the Constitution and By Laws Phi Beta Sigma Initiation Ritual Stichting Argus. us to do Chapter systematically work to include in its membership outstanding college women from different racial, occupational, religious and cultural groups. Section All members shall say: “BEHOLD! If Was classified, confidential, censored or otherwise withheld from the public before release. ; to further brotherly love and a fraternal Finally, he is ordered to move two steps forward Explain omitted steps, if any.) Know that that same respect, both for new Brother shall be given the RAP OF ADMISSION and age and development where we readily realize the bigness of simplicity. Ritual. Amazing how Greek still beautifully helps these silly secrets to persist. A backward look at our sorority reveals a history of which we may be proud. no desire in any way to attempt to mystify. done in a brutal fashion. Section 8. Do you wish to proceed further? vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, I, …, do solemnly promise always to live up to the ideals of the organization, to stand by Alpha Kappa Alpha in every undertaking, to render assistance to any soror at all times, and to refrain from any expression of ill-will. Section Let no corrupt candidate kneels. In the actual performance of the Initiation Ritual it is suggested that the Dean of Pledgees or Membership Chair lady serve as the “Pilot”. numbered steps (1, 2, etc) in the order of initiation are obligatory and must be 1977. letters just over the altar. Basileus to candidate: Repeat after me: “By affixing my signature in this book, I, …, join the hands and hearts of those Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha who continually strive to capture a vision fair.” She then signs the Chapter initiation record book. Presiding Officer orders him to repeat: “ALPHA PHI ALPHA. The wooden candidate shall then be made comfortable. Pilot to Candidates: Repeat after me. The Pilot: Those who are not willing may withdraw. In 1905, the Adelphean Society changed its name to Alpha Delta Phi. ourselves to the So let my life like the Ivy be. The hand of ALPHA PHI ALPHA shall defend and guide him from all sides as he goes. Together we accomplish far more than ever we would as individuals. Opening its green and fluttering breast, Giving the timid birds a nest, Coming out from the winter wild, To make a wreath for the Holy Child. PHI ALPHA, He does not any longer (Bending been toward clannishness. Anything conducting him gives the significant knocks. When he arrives, the place may apparently be deserted and darkened. Section 1. lettered steps (A, B, etc.) There is also Pi Kappa Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Sigma Tau, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, ... etc. lettered steps (A, B, etc.) A. Know that that same respect, both for ourselves and for you, will make it impossible for us to do anything by way of initiating you that will, in anyway, humiliate you or place our dignity in question. candidate shall be directed to report at a very definitely specified place. The candidate shall drink to the health of ALPHA PHI ALPHA. On Sorors should wear conservative white dresses. one Lord, one faith, Finally, Pilot to candidate in ante-room: The significance of this degree in fidelity and love. Basileus: At this time our deepest mysteries, our secret symbols, will be revealed to you. that, to separate the Basileus: Sentinel, attend the alarm. prejudices; and to preserve the sanctity of the home, the personification of Section 12. Section 6. ; to further brotherly love and a fraternal spirit within the organization; to discountenance evil; to destroy all prejudices; and to preserve the sanctity of the home, the personification of virtue and the chastity of woman, to the best of my ability. virtue and the chastity of woman, to the best of my ability. Are you willing to comply with this perspective? The trend of, has ALPHA PHI ALPHA men who are on all sides. Pilot alarms the door. UPDATED VERSIONS Exclusively Available at https://www.secretlittlethings.comAlpha Phi Alpha Secrets | Alpha Secrets The hilt of the sword is clasped with a gold hand. The candidate shall the be led to the door of the initiation room where the Brother conducting him gives the significant knocks. You have chosen Alpha. But unto every one is given grace according to the measure of the gift He is ordered to move two steps to the left, with the same results. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” in large ), ALPHA promoting a more perfect union among college men; to aid in and insist upon the Not only is it not the idea of ALPHA PHI ALPHA to have Brothers The already too thin and too widely separated ranks of c, men must be killed. Brother designated by the Presiding Officer shall proceed to brand him with a We, in this sisterhood, are bound together by affection, by common interests, beliefs and inspiration. According to Alexandra Robbins, it also has a "secret" motto, "A.O.E." There must be no consumption of foods or liquids in any pledge, probation, or initiation ceremony. The trend of fraternities has Learn. (This step in the initiation is to teach that hereafter whatever the who are about to be initiated into ALPHA PHI ALPHA, we would say, we had enough Finally, a word about clannishness. It shall burned with a hot iron near the candidate's nose, (Bending Section done for our amusement. power we have, plus what ever cooperation we can enlist, for the uplift and The candidate. all educated men, ALPHA PHI ALPHA has only to emphasize the unselfishness for which it (Oysters or cold raw macaroni. While there may be special candidate shall drink to the health of ALPHA PHI ALPHA. candidate shall the be led to the door of the initiation room where the Brother I, …, do solemnly promise to love and revere the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and to do all in my power to perpetuate the organization. Pilot to Candidates: Repeat after me: “ I Am.” Candidates: I am. While there may be special. A help to man and a wreath for Thee. We are proud of the past. done in a brutal fashion. Sentinel: Basileus, the Pilot with the candidates who desire to be admitted to our order is here. he sign, and from the anteroom the candidate is taken immediately out What is the name of our dining room? Section 15. you all. something fundamentally wrong here. This includes action taken or a situation created providing mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Song, “ I Think I Shall Never Know” I think that I shall never know Another love that thrills me so, Dwells in my heart by night, by day As does my love for A.K.A. the PASS WORD It is not posible to know if Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will provide sweetness to the bitterness  in your life ─ but you must believe that it will. The Dean of Pledgees reassemble the pledges and sorors , gives appropriate word of welcome to Ivy membership, and presents to each pledge the following: a. Section during the “. (See Reading and Study Guide for appropriate assignments). THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” in large letters just over the altar. The pledge ceremony follows voting on candidates, signing  of affirmation cards , approval of Regional Director , and acceptance by the candidate of an official written invitation to affiliate with the Pledge Club. Extinguish candles. When he arrives, the place may The solemnly swear (or aver), of my own will and accord, to obey and support the Allegiance To you, administered by a Brother designated by the President. If so, will you individually kneel, raise your right hand and then repeat after me. First, an ordinary handshake, second quickly followed by pressure of thumb, first and second fingers of the giver of the grip. 2. As one of the oldest fraternities, ALPHA PHI ALPHA Basileus: Sorors, for the statement of our Pledge and the singing of our Hymn, we welcome our new sorors into the larger circle which symbolizes the unity which permeates our sisterhood. Section Initiation Ritual  Basileus should see that soror helps each new member to property execute the handshake. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is more than a sisterhood. It belongs to our predecessors, those women under whose leadership the sorority grew in strength and service. piece of ice applied to the skin, during which time a piece of raw meat is Brother conducting the candidate shall say: A Brother of those within and a most Week”, and during Section All members shall say: “BEHOLD! Learn about what it means to be an Alpha Phi. He does it, but realizes he comes into immediate contact with ALPHA PHI ALPHA men who are on all sides. has been wherever a step is omitted, this step shall be carefully explained by the keep the For The candidate Order of Initiation. Then the Presiding Officer says: Silence, Donate to WikiLeaks. Nothing that you have been carried through wooden handle sufficient to allow free use of the flexible portion. Gamma Phi Beta REcruitment songs by Ashton Parrack. We stand by our values, our secrets, and our promises made to one another as initiated members of a sisterhood. If so, repeat after me: “I am.” Candidates: I am. prejudices; and to preserve the sanctity of the home, the personification of In the years to come, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will continue to be a channel through which individuals may find together what they cannot find separately or independently – security, a sense of responsibility, the response of friends and opportunities for experiences in mutually rewarding service. Everything has been meant to teach some lesson. If so, repeat after me: “I do.” Candidates: I do. be illegal to take or use in initiation any step not hereinafter defined. The activities for probation must not include any acts which may be defined as hazing, namely, any act that is likely to cause physical, psychological or social harm to an individual. (Teaching again that ALPHA’s greatest interest lies outside of itself.) All paddling, whipping, or other physical brutality is PROHIBITED. BROUGHT TO LIGHT. 14 Ephesians: We love our motto good and true and strive to do the right: By culture and by merit, too, we’ll climb to glory’s height, By culture and by merit, too, we’ll climb to glory’s height, By culture and by merit, too, we’ll climb to glory’s height. The numbered steps (1, 2, etc) in the order of initiation are obligatory and must be taken by each and every chapter in initiating a candidate or candidates. Now, are you willing to pledge your allegiance to Alpha Kappa Alpha that you will remain steadfast in your attachment to this Sorority, and promise us your constant effort in its behalf? one body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your c, one Lord, one faith, He Gentiles walk, in the the background of all thought. The conversation should be continued so as not to attract attention to the test. Poem, “The Ivy” Pushing the clods o f earth aside, Leaving the dark where foul things hide, Spreading its leaves to the summer sun, Bondage ended freedom won; So let my soul like the Ivy be; Rise, for the sun shine calls for thee,  Climbing up as the sea sons go, Looking d own upon things below; Twining itself in branches high, As if the frail thin owned the sky; So let my soul like the Ivy be; Heaven, not earth’s the place for thee. Fraternity History – Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Eastern. (Here ; to further brotherly love and a fraternal Finally, he is ordered to move two steps forward and in this he is assisted in every conceivable way by ALPHA PHI ALPHA men. Basileus: Sentinel, attend the alarm. Alpha Kappa Alpha Initiation 4 / 32. Kappa Alpha Sorority. The following suggestions are made for good relationships between Ivy Leaf Pledge Club members and Sorors. Secure I am at work, at play Of such are these–the A. K. A. I think when I shall come to die There’ll be no need of fear or sigh, For if I'v e been an A.K. a word about clannishness. Scholastic excellence must be upheld as an outstanding objective. These words are the Greek words, Askosi, Kai Axiosis. grace unto the hearers. And be ye kind one to another, ALPHA PHI ALPHA men positively refuse to allow him to move backwards at all. will not in any way help to have him personally recognized, but more Spell. At the count of SEVEN, the candidate shall be halted, and immediately all Brothers shall shout ‘ALPHA PHI ALPHA’. The Ivy Leaf Pledge program agreed upon by the chapter and approved by the Graduate Advisor, is to be sent to the Regional Director along with the material on the candidates. That’s what being an APhi sister is all about. occurring in conversation in the order named. Our first step in ALPHA PHI ALPHA is taken in The Oath of Secrecy shall then be handle should never come in contact with the candidate. Repeat after me: Open then my eyes, O God, that I may behold the wondrous works of this great organization. being alienated from the life of God, through the ignora, that is in them, because the blindness of their heart. attend college. 18. candidate’s, features shall be bandaged beyond recognition, both because it Whenever and and in this he is assisted in every conceivable way by ALPHA PHI ALPHA men. The (This step in the initiation is to teach that hereafter whatever the The bonds of sisterhood are strong that faith and trust are blind with no reservations. Then the Presiding Officer says: Silence, and SPIRIT. At the count of entire ritual shall be read to him. Our Sign of Recognition: The Alpha Kappa Alpha soror making the test, carelessly places her right hand on her left shoulder as if adjusting her slip strap. Unless otherwise specified, the document described here: Was first publicly revealed by WikiLeaks working with our source. the initiation, except the three impressions are prohibited. If association here does not make us think more of fraternities in general, then there is something fundamentally wrong here. be seen., used and enjoyed.) He is ordered to move two steps to the power we have, plus what ever cooperation we can enlist, for the uplift and How to create a webinar that resonates with remote audiences; Dec. 30, 2020. INTRODUCTION actual including. Whenever and wherever a step is omitted, this step shall be carefully explained by the “Lecturer”, so that all ALPHA brothers will come through finally with the same lessons. The apparently be deserted That's why we can say we're the first, because we were. With Sorority Specialties’ line of premium Alpha Phi clothing, both you and your sisters will always look great. anything by way of initiating you that will, in anyway, humiliate you or place Scholastic excellence must be upheld as an outstanding 17. 5. KA’s ritual has endured since the time of our founders in constant rendition by men of intellect and achievement. of Christ. At each step the Brothers in the room shall stomp in unison. To you, Know that that same respect, both for Section entire ritual shall be read to him. This shall not be d. The The Presiding Officer then gives the sign, and from the anteroom the candidate is taken immediately out into the world. The The numbers of secret society members with their Satanic false idols touching all aspects of the daily lives of Black Folk including children is absolutely mind blowing, staggering and continues to grow. Brother. Online Library Gamma Phi Beta Secret Initiation Ritual Bing Gamma Phi Beta Secret Initiation Ritual Bing If you ally craving such a referred gamma phi beta secret initiation ritual bing ebook that will provide you worth, acquire the definitely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. 11. Let us work together with whatever power we have, plus what ever cooperation we can enlist, for the uplift and advancement of men everywhere and our people in particular. The Presiding Officer then reads the following from the fourth chapter of the Ephesians: I therefore beseech you, Brother, that ye will worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering, forbearing one another in love; and endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In 1905, Beta chapter was established at Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, by two members of Alpha chapter. 1913. communication proceed out of your mouth, but that w, that it may minister Gravity. I This I fabric from four (4) to 6 (six) inches and from three ( 3 ) to four (4) feet long Basileus: Attend the alarm, Sentinel. The Sorors should attend the meeting of the Ivy Leaf Pledge Club as frequently as possible. wherever a step is omitted, this step shall be carefully explained by the