Therefore, I spaced out his 1st and 2nd nap a little farther and he did much better. Thanks for sharing your routine for a 6 month old. Breakfast 8:00 AM – Serve Oatmeal or Rice Cereal. 6 month old daily schedule? She’s just beginning to wrap her head around this idea, which means you might start seeing some separation anxiety, including at bedtime. That’s when I decided that something in his schedule must need to change. 6am - Wake up and take puppy outside to toilet. We are going through the transition of dropping his 3rd nap right now. At 6 months, your baby should have a pretty well-established daily schedule and take 2-3 naps a day (1 – 2.5 hours each). Below are some tips to get you started. creating better sleep habits for your baby here. Updated on April 27, 2011 J.D. If your baby has fallen asleep in your arms, you don’t want to gently put them down in the crib without waking because that doesn’t teach them how to fall asleep on their own. This will get you and the baby into a routine and he will know his consistent eat, play, sleep schedule. It should get them drowsy enough to take a nap. Based on what time he gets up in the morning, I may adjust the times, but try to stick to it as close as possible. Also, you’ll find some links throughout the schedule for my favorite cups and foods. Sometimes silence can make it difficult for them to fall asleep. Schedule for a 6-month-old, breastfed baby boy (submitted by Anastasia C.) 7 a.m. Wake up. 2:30 pm | Go down for a nap. We used to swaddle my son until he started rolling around 4-5 months. They’ll know what to expect when and you will be able to plan out your days much more efficiently. A wind-down routine should start around 6 or 7 (yes, this is definitely tricky if you have older kids or want baby to get some playtime with dad) and might include a warm bath, baby massage, books, a song. creating a reliable, predictable evening routine so baby can work on her healthy sleep habits. They roll over, sit up, maybe even stand holding on to something. I love my Dohm sound machine for white noise that I leave on through the whole night and all naps to provide background noise when it’s too quiet. It will also be easier on you to work around their schedule when planning outings and getting things done. It also keeps them warm since they can’t use blankets. A sample 9 month old schedule . As your baby grows from five months to six months, the awake time may grow also from one hour to 2 hours. Following, there is a sample schedule that will give you a “typical” structure that you can follow or modify to fit your life and personality (Free to download at the end!). My baby’s hunger cry is more of a scream, whereas his tired cry is just being fussy and irritable. ***Not shown is 10:30pm , 12am , 1:15am, 2 am, 3:20am and 5 am wake up/ feedings. Try this schedule for multiple days in a row and your baby will eventually figure out what he should be doing and when. 6 Month Sleep Schedules – Your Six to Nine-Month-Old At around 6 months, babies need an average of eleven hours of uninterrupted nighttime sleep, and three and a half hours of daytime naps spread over two to three naps*. Approved by the What’s Up Moms Medical Advisory Board. to my newsletter with 8000+ moms and get tips for mom life, projects, and meal preps PLUS get instant access to my resource library with ALL of my other free files and printables (including this 3-6 month baby schedule)! Note: I always offer breastmilk or formula first. How do you know when to drop the 3rd nap? (Hot tip: Make sure to have a few ‘twins’ in rotation! Typical Schedule for a 6-8 Month Old A good schedule can transform a tired and fussy baby into a rested and contented one. Also, for families opting to sleep train, the five-to-six month window is a common time to do it because by then your pediatrician may have given you the green light. All this is to say, you may be experiencing a lot of firsts this month and making some adjustments in your schedule. You may be thinking, my baby does not like to nap. They may enter 6 months taking 3 naps, but as they get closer to 7 months, reduce down to 2 naps. 2021 - Content provided on this site is for entertainment or informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or health, safety, legal or financial advice.